Stay cool in Sacramento's heat with Goodwin Cole’s customizable shade solutions
Imagine a typical triple-digit summer day in the Sacramento Valley. You are gardening and working in your front or backyard. The unimpeded Sun is beating down, and you are beginning to break a sweat. It’s time to go inside. Is your home properly equipped to cool you off?
In the months of June, July, August, September, and these days, even October, a cloudless sky can create a situation where you are running your air conditioner as soon as the Sun rises. Incredibly, October 2024 began with a record-setting eight days over 100 degrees in the Sacramento Valley. Trends like this are fully expected to continue.
An entire house begins to heat up when the Sun begins to shine through large and beautiful windows. This daily process begins on the East side of a home and finishes up on the West side when the Sun doesn't set until well after 9:00 pm.
Fortunately, for homeowners in a position to immediately better their situation, Goodwin Cole has a large variety of fully customizable solutions for this increasingly intense reality, which provide homeowners with comfort, and substantial energy savings.
Automated and manual drop screens are becoming increasingly popular. These can be perfectly fitted and matched to the size of windows, so homeowners can manage the Sun on their terms. Additionally, we provide pergolas, slide-wire screens, patio coverings, and a variety of products that will not only beautify a home and increase its value but also make the standard of living noticeably better.
Additionally, all of our products are officially approved by the American Cancer Society, thanks to their scientifically proven benefits of helping prevent skin cancer.
Goodwin Cole uses the highest quality products in the world and has a fleet of installers who know exactly what they are doing. Many employees have been with us for decades. When you call on Goodwin Cole to do an installation, you can not only be sure that we will come through with the highest products in terms of industry standards but also a 130+ year pedigree of providing quality service. We rarely come in as the cheapest estimate, but as the adage goes, “You get what you pay for.”
When it comes to making your home the home of your dreams, lessening energy costs, and other risks, there is only one logical choice. Call Goodwin Cole at your earliest convenience at 916-381-8888 to speak with an expert, beginning the process with a free estimation.